May God’s Will Be Your Foundation Of Life

Thank you our Father-God for all your blessings. The same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I love you!

Peace and blessings to all my brother and sisters in God.  My name is LXXII LXXIV XXXIV.  After a year of being in isolation, I have found God and my purpose in this life.  I have made the decision to provide the community with this website and to take a small step out of my self-imposed isolation.  On this website you will find vibrations of love, peace, tranquility, and truth. I am only man, but I have made a conscious decision to keep God at the front of all my thoughts and actions.  Once I have learned to truly live in God’s word, the spiritual flood gates opened.  I wanted to provide an environment where positive ideas and vibrations are in abundance. I wanted to provide a place where I can speak in truth and hope to inspire another.  May every way of life be light, and may every act be crowned with good.

Your Higher Self

If you would to provide constructive feedback or would just like to chat, feel free to contact me using the form below. Thank you for taking the time to write and your positive words.  God Bless!  🙂

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