Drapetomania: A Slave Born In Freedom


As a child, while I attended middle school, a teacher made a comment in passing that ended up being a seed planted in fresh soil.  She made the remark, “Everyone is born free, but can be slaves to their own minds.”  As those words left her lips, my mind had already begun to ponder on what she had meant by her statement.  Now, I brought up that old teacher’s comment because here I am, 14 years since that middle school day, and I am still applying that statement to some life situations.  At times I have to ask myself, “Am I really trapped by my current problems, or am I being a slave to my own mind?”

As I have grown to learn how to become a righteous adult, I have learned that, even though we may get into these difficult and dangerous situations ourselves, there is no problem that can hold a person down forever.  We become slaves to our minds  and situations because we lack perspective, spiritual guidance, and understanding.  We pride ourselves on being independent and doing things our own way, when in actuality, we are walking in another’s shoes.  Whose shoe you walk in is your choice.

I guess what I am trying to verbalize, or at least attempting to explain to myself is that, this big, blue Earth, millions of years before I was born, was here and existed. With that in mind, understand, that you are not the first to encounter the problems that you are facing.  Many have seen the same obstacle.  Some have failed, but much more have succeeded.  Even though the path you are walking may have long uncut grass and no distinct path, it is where God wants you.  It is called the path less traveled.  God knows all your deepest wants and desires.  I once heard a saying that goes like this, “When God wants to test your faith, he answers your prayers.”  God knows what your heart truly wants. If you want to live righteous and One with God, be prepared for the path very very, VERY, seldom traveled.  God has to break you down to build you back up. You have taken on so many sins and carnal desires in your life that God has to shed and destroy those demons.  Suffering and Struggle is a great teacher.  When walking on your path, keep the faith because God is always working in your favor if you allow Him to do so.

The shoe of God is universal and unisex; it fits everyone.  If you need shoes to walk in on your journey down the path seldom traveled, God’s shoes are the most comfortable I have ever worn!


If you would like some direction or just a word of real inspiration, I have found this book and website very helpful.  Click on the link and dive into wisdom!  They even have audio, so you can read along!

One thought on “Drapetomania: A Slave Born In Freedom

  1. “The shoe of God is universal and unisex; it fits everyone. If you need shoes to walk in on your journey down the path seldom traveled, God’s shoes are the most comfortable I have ever worn!”

    If that ain’t some walk by faith, not by sight truth, I don’t know what is! Perspective is so important to us and we can have it through so many different outlets that it leaves room for clouded vision or even worse, rose colored glasses. Value your perspective and value your relationship with God…he will give you the best 20/20 you could ask for.

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